Manage Your Mind, Manage Your Life

Just imagine what you could do if you no longer had to spend the time and energy on reminding yourself that you’re “trying” to think only positive thoughts.  

Or I’m wondering if you can imagine that you no longer had to “monitor” or “screen” your thoughts for so that you can remember that the only difference between happiness and sadness, anger, frustration and all those other thoughts that make you feel crappy. . . the ONLY difference is your thoughts.

Now can you also imagine how much more you could accomplish, how much more fun and freedom you’ll have and how happy you will feel when you learn how to manage those thoughts . . . unconsciously? 

There are many times in life when our unmanaged, unwanted emotions result in our acting out in unloving, unhelpful and, yes, destructive ways.  And when those emotions pass, we can occasionally find ourselves making excuses for our behavior.  “I was tired and cranky”, “I had a bad day at work”, “My car broke down” in an attempt to apologize.  

Now, can you see the benefits of choosing your thoughts rather than excusing your behavior?

Of course you can, because as a trained NLP Coach you would be in control of your thoughts.  You wouldn’t allow your out of control thoughts to sabotage you. 

Well, let’s talk about that for a minute. 

One of many things I enjoy teaching my MasterClass students, is practicing the many NLP processes available where they learn to direct their conscious thoughts in order to guide their clients to healing.  

The great benefit for my students is that as they learn to direct their conscious thoughts, their unconscious learns a new way of being, and they are able to uncover and heal many of their underlying wounds that are, in fact, our internal saboteurs.  When those wounds and internal saboteurs are healed, guess what?  Students experience much more emotional, physical, mental and spiritual wellness.  

When we tie it all together it means that you learn to manage those thoughts, which means your underlying beliefs are changed, the quality of your thoughts improve, the quality of your behaviors improve and you become the authentic person you’ve always wanted to be. 

And becoming “authentic” is the difference between having to be consciously on guard about what you’re thinking and how you’re behaving, and having your thoughts and behaviors aligned with your beliefs so that they happen more unconsciously. 

I call this being “unconsciously congruent”. Congruent with what?  With your innate values.  When your thoughts, beliefs and behaviors are in alignment with your values, there will be no more getting stuck in anxiety, depression, anger. You will be in a new state of being, which as you employ any number of tools to guide your clients to wellness, you are consciously and unconsciously using those tools to guide yourself into your best life ever

So, you’re probably wondering how to become unconsciously congruent.  

You can begin by enrolling in ongoing NLP training, joining an NLP Masterclass, and by modeling the lives and success secrets of NLP legends such as Richard Bandler, John Grinder, and Tony Robbins, and applying them in your life. Any of these options will allow you to gain more competency, thus becoming more aligned with your goals and dreams making them more easily achievable.

Learn more about Thrive Learning Collective’s NLP Coaching Program and NLP MasterClass at  The next ones begin soon.


Living Healthy with NLP

In my earlier post, I talked about managing our thoughts through Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and how that can allow you to live your best life ever.   

And even as an NLP Coach you’re probably curious.   “How does NLP affect my health?” and “How can I use it to improve my health?”

If you read my previous post, you know that going from where you are to where you want to be is only a thought away.  And the same holds true for thoughts about our health.

During one of my 16 day NLP / Hypnotherapy training classes in Florida, I had a student who came in EVERY day complaining of a new ailment.  Her leg hurt, the next day her shoulder hurt, she twisted her back.  Every day was something new and as I was leaving one day, I noticed that, even though she wasn’t legally “handicapped”, she parked every day in a handicapped parking spot.

So I thought, if she’s NOT handicapped and at least twice a day she’s seeing the handicapped sign on the parking spot, then she’s subconsciously living out HER life as a handicapped person!

You see, as she feels the ailment, she then thinks the thought that “something is wrong” and continues to subconsciously recreate “something wrong” every day.

Once I pointed it out to her, she found a new parking spot, and through the New Behavior Generator and Anchoring NLP processes, she was able to change her “wrong” thinking into more positive thoughts which supported her desire to for excellent health. 

A basic premise is that if you control your thoughts, you can control your words, and you have control over changes you wish to make in your life. 

You will always have a variety of thoughts floating through your mind, so when I speak of controlling your thoughts, I’m referring to focusing your thoughts.  You can CHOOSE what thoughts you want to put your focus on.  The others will just float on through with barely a notice.

So, using words accurately is what NLP teaches. By teaching your brain to think, and it can be taught, in sound ways and behaviors that are in alignment with your values (see Manage Your Mind, Manage Your Life), then this produces positive effects on your body and heals your emotions.

As an NLP Coach, you’re aware that roughly 90% of illnesses originate in the mind. However, knowing this and applying it in your life can be two different things.  

In the NLP MasterClass, I consciously and continuously monitor my students’ words while talking about your life, family, business, relationships, and health.  By also observing your facial expressions, and body changes, I can see hidden “language” to discover the unwanted thoughts and the way you view your health, and get to the root of the problem, the negative belief stored in your unconscious. 

Once the unconscious beliefs are brought into your consciousness, you will change your thinking pattern and eliminate any unwanted ideas about your health.

NLP has proven successful in sports, the educational field, sales, business, and health.  Thrive Learning Collective’s NLP MasterClass students gain a much deeper level of understanding of how and why the techniques work and how not only to assist their clients in making positive life changes, but to incorporate them in their own lives.  

All of us have role models such as film stars, sports stars, famous speakers, and so on.  They have achieved success and prominence in their fields. They also have reasonably good health and radiant personalities. They have got to where they are by a strong “belief” system shored up with high quality thoughts.  

You and I can also model or create patterns in our own lives by following their beliefs and patterns of behavior and so rise up to their levels of success.  It is entirely possible.  I’ve done it and I’ve seen so many of my students do it, as well.  NLP is the shortest, most direct path to discover the inner resources we all possess.  They are waiting to be tapped and brought out into the light, so that every aspect of our lives can be improved. 

Success isn’t just for a chosen few, it’s for all of us.  


What’s the goal?

What do you want? 

Simple question, right? It’s also one of the most difficult for many of us to answer.  Sometimes because we truly don’t know what it is we want or how to get it.

I often see clients who want to find out why they can’t achieve their goal.  It usually doesn’t take long to figure it out.  It’s usually for 2 main reasons. Either they aren’t clear on what they do want or, by staying right where they are, they are getting something positive out of it. 

We’ve all gone through it.  

We might say, “I want a successful career”, when we really don’t want to lose the connection with our family.  “I want a new car”, but you don’t want another payment.  So, what I have found is that people actually do know what they want, but at the same time, they are getting something positive from staying right where they’re at and “sabotaging” the goal.

Why can’t I achieve my goal?

Your NLP Coaching practice provides you with tools and techniques such as DreamSculpting® to guide clients to discover what positive benefit they’re getting from NOT achieving their goal.  It seems antithetical to get something positive from NOT achieving a goal, but it’s more common than you might realize. Once you uncover that positive benefit, you can open the channel for clients as they find other ways to keep the positive benefit by moving forward and achieving their goal.

A goal is an outcome we set our sights on achieving in life, career, relationship, home, and/or health.  They appear to be less daunting than our big dreams, but how we approach them, how we sabotage them are just the same. 

You can tell that something’s tripping you up, can’t you?   

I once had a client who wanted to move from Sedona, Arizona to San Diego, California because she felt she might have better opportunities for work and new relationships, but she had been self-sabotaging this goal for years.  Sabotage came in many forms i.e.: If it wasn’t her job stopping her from moving — it was the job market, if it wasn’t money stopping her– it was the economy, if it wasn’t the economy, it was the housing market.  

There was always some excuse as to why she couldn’t make the move. What was tripping her up?

Truth was, she hadn’t really been clear about her goal of moving.  It was kind of a fleeting thought and every once in a while she’d decide it was a good idea to move, but it really wasn’t a solid goal.

When she thought she was getting serious about moving, she began my DreamSculpting® program.  As we progressed through the discovery phase, I asked her what she would get to keep by NOT moving to San Diego.  After some serious thought, she replied, “Well, I’d get to keep my beautiful home here in Sedona” — and so the positive benefit was revealed.  Once that was revealed she was able to truly create a strategy and plan for moving to San Diego, where she lives today in her beautiful home.

How can clients discover their real goals?

Here is a short scripted process I like to use to get them started on the road to discovering their real goals.

  1. Close your eyes and just Imagine for a moment that you are completely free to be yourself, to be, do, or have anything you want.  Can you remember when you were younger and you were pretending to be a superhero or character from television? Remember how that felt?  That’s right, it felt like the whole world was yours for the taking.  Or maybe, you are taking a long walk through the woods in autumn or along the beach in the summer?  Whatever you do, allow yourself to feel these powerful emotions completely.

  2. Now, as you continue feeling those powerful emotions, imagine what life would be like if you had a magic wand and could instantly create all the money, time, resources, love, acceptance, etc. that the world can offer.

  3. Now imagine floating up and out of your body about 10 feet and look ahead into the future at your life in 3 years,10 years, see your life just the way you want it.  With the relationship, home, vibrant health, work you love, a spiritual path that works for you . . . what are those goals that will get you there?  

As a DreamSculpting® coach, you have in your tool chest the most powerful program in guiding clients to achieving their true goals and dreams.  Isn’t THAT a goal worth achieving?


Aligning our Conscious, Unconscious and Higher-Conscious Minds to Achieve our Dreams

To many, dreams are believed to be elusive and whimsical and that they aren’t really attainable.  Others use their Conscious Will to attempt to force the gods into granting us our dreams like a magical genie.  

Neither of these efforts is effective in creating the life of our dreams or the dreams in our lives.  

We are gifted with three levels of consciousness.  The Conscious Mind, the Unconscious Mind, and the Higher Conscious Mind.  

We’re all familiar with our Conscious Mind.  It’s that part of us that is always creating, thinking, dreaming up new ideas.  

The unconscious mind is that part of us that houses all of our beliefs and runs the programs created from those beliefs that we learned in the first 7 years of our lives.  We learned how to do affluence or how to financially struggle, and by that time we have probably learned to either be responsible for our decisions and behavior or to blame others when things don’t work out right. We learned how to do sickness or health, whether we developed love and respect or not. 

And NLP has many different processes and techniques that open up access to that part of our mind where those old programs reside and to be able to make changes where necessary.  Through NLP, we are able to discover all the things we learned as a child because we develop patterns out of those programs that we repeat over and over.  

NLP is a powerful tool that can set you up for success by syncing your conscious mind — the part you use to make rational and deliberate decisions —with your unconscious mind and it’s programs.  So, how does it work?

The Logical Conscious Mind

An NLP Coach is a specialist in business and life success strategies. Coaches work with their clients through their conscious mind or awareness. The Conscious Mind is the everyday mind. It’s the part of us that makes decisions, that analyzes the world around us, the source of logically processing information.  You make logical choices about what you want and how you will accomplish it with this part of your conscious mind.

Coaching techniques can include strategic planning, goal setting, and follow-up if all the client needs is a plan of action or guidance of what to do.


Re-Programming the Unconscious Mind

Top coaches such as Tony Robbins and most other prominent coaches, authors, and speakers are NLP trained in removing subconsciously programmed limitations, changing behaviors, and healing the root causes of self-sabotage and poor self-image in ourselves and our clients.

If you have a pattern of sabotaging yourself, the Unconscious Mind is usually the culprit behind it by hiding negative beliefs about yourself and the world.  When these unconscious beliefs conflict with our conscious thoughts, the result is a misalignment. 

Also, because the unconscious mind lives in the past, we keep re-living the story we’ve already written, rather than living the story we actually want to play out.  As coaches, we learn to use specialized techniques to reach this part of our client’s mind, which is completely necessary for change.

A Neuro-Linguistic Hypnotherapist is a master of the use of persuasive language and emotional/behavioral change. As an NLP Coach, you will be infinitely more effective learning and using the hypnotherapist’s ability to influence physical and behavioral change.

An NLP Coach is a master of communication—both internal and external—and an expert in human programming and the removal of limitations that impede success. As a Hypnotherapist, this is a must-have skill set to achieve the results you seek.

Connecting to the Higher Conscious Mind

The Higher Conscious Mind is that creative spirit within us all that connects us to the universal energies. It’s our connection to the Divine, to the God Source and to Infinite Intelligence. This is where inspiration, new ideas, and intuitive solutions arise.

This is also where deeply-held beliefs from the Subconscious Mind manifest themselves, and where the Law of Attraction takes its cues. The Higher Conscious Mind is what we could call the delivery mechanism for everything in the Universe.

Aligning The Three Minds and Leveraging Them to Achieve Our Dreams

First, through the Conscious Mind, we guide our client to get very clear on what it is that he wants.  How does it look, feel, taste, smell, sound, what size is it and many other submodalities. NLP Coaches use our mastery of language to heighten their emotions around their dream to give it more sizzle.  In other words, “How good do you really want it?” What will achieving this goal make him feel?  Security, love, connection, freedom?  There are many emotions that achieving our dreams might cause us to feel.  

Second, we guide our client to discover the old limiting belief(s) that could sabotage his dream. For example, if your client was raised in a family in which he constantly heard that there’s “not enough money, food, fuel, work, love, opportunities”, he will likely have developed programs and patterns of thoughts, decisions and behaviors that support the “not enough” belief.

As Neuro Linguistic Hypnotherapists we use appropriate techniques that allow our client to discover where that limiting belief began, eliminate it and install new useful beliefs that support his dream. Once the new beliefs about his dream are installed, our client will know exactly what he wants to achieve and, most importantly, he will finally believe he can achieve it.  

Third, we use a combination of tools such as meditation, chanting, affirmation, and prayer to guide our client to connect with his Higher Conscious Mind which has a direct connection with God, Divine Light, Infinite Wisdom, or any other names he may use for the “universal energies”.  This focused practice allows this Great Creator to witness our clear, Hi Def dream, armed with positive beliefs that it CAN be achieved, and the emotional juice, the level of desire behind it.  

From there, all of these universal energies will come together and have no alternative, but to bring his amazing dream to him.


Building Client Rapport

The first and most important part of a Coach’s relationship with our clients is to establish “rapport”. Why?  Because it creates a harmonious connection which is a practical skill that can be mastered through NLP tools and techniques.

Rapport is a conscious process of establishing an understanding, consensus-building relationship with their client.  The purpose is to promote a feeling a of comfort, familiarity, relatability, and communication all at the unconscious level. 

There are many situations in which we might want to have rapport.  NLP teaches you ways to instantly build credibility and trust with anyone.  NLP techniques are simple to learn and apply that will let you build rapport much faster with whomever you communicate with.  It’s especially useful with family, friends or co-workers, those within whom you have a level of relationship.

Building Rapport Starts with Paying Attention

Ways to build a rapport include the use of predicates, pet words, breathing, eye blinks, head tilt, posture, rhythms and many other things. Even just learning 3 or 4 of these helps you to be more balanced in your thinking and to understand your mind.

NLP teaches you how representations in everyday communications can guide you to asking the right questions and above all, to expect and elicit high quality answers. Your client’s high quality answers will provide you a window into their experience of the world.  Through this window, you’ll be able to more effectively guide them to healing.

Create better relationships with clients, family, friends and business relationships.

 These 3 NLP techniques will start you on your path to building instant rapport with whomever you want.

  1. Match your words – Words reflect the beliefs, ideas and understandings we have about ourselves, others, and the world in general.

So, when we listen closely to the words others speak, then use the same words in that conversation, it becomes possible to enter the other person’s world and see it as he or she does.  Doing this, we develop a better understanding of how that person feels or thinks.  Understanding that allows us to build rapport, and more easily become more persuasive and influential.

  1. Observe non-verbal cues – Non-verbal elements of our communication such as gestures, postures, facial expressions, eye movements, etc., are as important and convey more information than the words we use. Non-verbal cues can be both conscious and unconscious and besides the above also includes the pitch, rhythm and volume of the voice. Matching the tone of voice, pitch and rhythm lets you build instant rapport.
  2. Identify Meta programs– Meta programs in NLP refer to our habitual patterns that we uses in any given situation. NLP examples of Meta programs include our preference for big picture vs. details, moving towards what we want vs. moving away from what we don’t want, whether we delete information or distort it, and whether we look for things that are the same or we see differences.

Using these NLP tools is learning to appreciate and understand another’s model of the world or to put it another way, their map of reality and then communicating that back to them in a way that establishes trust.  The unconscious mind loves sameness so when we connect on our similarities and commonalities it fosters high levels of trust and gives others the feeling of being heard, appreciated and understood.

Can you imagine how that could positively affect all of your relationships?

These are just some of the ways of building instant rapport. Listening to words representing thoughts and emotions of a person, paying attention to non-verbal cues, noting their meta-programs and using them to the best advantage can be immensely helpful in a variety of situations that can include sales, negotiations, in the hiring process, therapy and many others. The higher the rapport level the more harmonious will be the connection and lead to better empathy and understanding towards other people.

Everything Is Hypnosis

There are many definitions of hypnosis.  For hypnotists, a common definition is “a state or condition in which the client becomes highly responsive to suggestions.”  You might think that this state can only be attained in a hypnotist’s office.  After reading this blog, you will understand how often and how easily we are hypnotized in our daily lives. More importantly, you will become aware of how you can use that time to your benefit. 

But first, I’d like to frame it up.  Hypnosis can happen intentionally in a hypnotist’s office when the client is relaxing and listening to positive suggestions. It can also happen in many other situations as you will see.

Hypnosis happens to all of us naturally every day and is generally associated with the alpha brainwave state.  In this relaxing state between wakefulness and drowsiness we’re especially open to suggestions. We enter the alpha state during times of meditation, prayer, daydreaming, or . . .  doing something so familiar we don’t even pay attention to the details of it.

Have you noticed that the car is a great place to daydream? As you drive that familiar route, your thoughts naturally turn inward, imagining, planning, or remembering.  And listening to relaxing instrumental music such as binaural beats or classical music while working or taking a break can open you up to inspiration.

I don’t know if you can, but many people say that when they hear songs from their teen years, they slip right back into those same feelings.  I imagine that’s why Oldies Radio Stations are popular.

By now, you’re probably beginning to see the picture.

So just remember a time when you were “in the flow”; a time you were so engrossed in a book, or while drawing, needlepointing, painting, watching a movie, or out on your morning run. You are in a trance state of hypnosis. It’s that sweet spot between our conscious awareness and the ease of being on autopilot.

You feel like you’re at one with the task you’re performing, and you unconsciously filter out any and all distractions. Your friends and co-workers might find it really hard to distract you when you’re in this state — because you’re in an alpha state.

In that state we typically lose all sense of time and space.  Activities such as reading, listening to the radio, driving yard work, housework, can create very real opportunities for pleasant daydreaming.  Time in the alpha state is available to you every time you fall asleep and every time you begin to wake up. 

We spend much of our waking day in hypnosis, and you are your own greatest and most convincing hypnotist. What do you say to yourself? “I have an addictive personality,” “I catch the flu every year,” “everyone in my family is overweight, so I am too,” or “As soon as I make some money, something happens, and I have to spend it all.”  Or maybe you’ve heard yourself think or say, “I excel at everything I do,” “I was born lucky,” or “Every day is full of opportunities.”  First, let me ask you, which of those feel better?  That’s right.  And you always, always have the choice of thoughts and words.

Whether you’re in the hypnotist’s office or not, the most important thing to remember about hypnosis is that you always have the power to accept or reject suggestions. You know how it is when a salesperson is trying to persuade you to buy something. You have a choice: You can choose to be convinced, or you can say, “Thanks anyway,” and walk away.

The same is true of your own thoughts and others’ words. But you first have to become aware of them.

Make the decision to take charge of your own hypnosis. First, listen to what you think and say to yourself, especially the ones you repeat to yourself often.  Write them all down verbatim.  When you become aware of a thought that is not serving you, rewrite it in a way that is stating what you want, not what you don’t want. Repeat the new statement out loud or in your mind.

Suggestion Tip for Success: When you’re working on a goal, before you fall asleep at night, use those alpha brainwaves to help you. Close your eyes, and see yourself achieving your goal and feel those delicious feelings of accomplishment.  Imagine it while you’re driving or doing other routine tasks. Remember, everything we think, see, hear, and experience in our environment can be a hypnotic influence.  Make sure to use this to help you get what you want!

Learn to Choose Your Feelings Rather Than Excuse Your Behavior

Oh, the wonderful experiences you can have when you learn to choose your feelings rather than excuse your behavior!

Do you ever wonder how some people seem to be able to keep it all together under stress or don’t have drama in their life? I used to wonder that myself before I got introduced to NLP. NLP teaches you purpose-driven thinking and feeling; you may also know this as mindfulness.

Whatever you call it, it is essential to understand the quality of your life is based on the quality of the decisions you make daily. The quality of your decisions are based on the quality of your thoughts and feelings you are experiencing at the time of decision. It is important to ask yourself when you find yourself acting in a way that is unbecoming or not useful, “what do I want out to experience in this situation?”

Becoming consciously aware and catching yourself when you are not responding to a situation in a useful way will afford you time and opportunity to choose a higher quality response.

Let me share with you one of the techniques I use with my clients to explain what determines the quality of your experience. Everything you do in life is based on a strategy. You have a thought that creates a feeling, which then makes you behave in a certain way and all of which is steeped in your belief system. A strategy looks like this in an equation format:



People who don’t get caught up in the drama of life and seem to go with the flow usually work the equation backward, starting from the outcome.

They have consciously trained their thinking to focus on the outcome they want to experience and align their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and beliefs to that outcome.

Let me share a story of a client of mine. She was married and was also a stay-at-home mom that owned a home-based business.

She loved her kids and husband very much and, by all accounts, had a fantastic life.

She came to me because she would get anxious at dinnertime. When her husband would get home from work, she was already feeling anxious, and she found herself picking a fight or looking for what wasn’t right with him. There was a part of her that knew it was ridiculous, but she didn’t know how to stop doing it. She said to me, “it’s crazy because I absolutely love my husband; he is a really good guy.” But at dinnertime, I just can’t seem to find anything right or good about him.”

Here is the good news; she had conscious awareness of her behavior and knew she wanted to change it. I used various techniques with her to find out and heal what was causing these feelings. After doing the work, dinnertime became an enjoyable time for her and her family. I should mention the cause of this feeling at dinnertime had nothing to do with her husband. Does this sound familiar?

One of the techniques I used was to create a new strategy for dinnertime. This is how we created a new strategy; we worked the equation backward. I had her focus on the outcome she wanted..

  • I asked her, “what do you want to feel at dinnertime?” She said, “loving and peaceful.”
  • I asked her, “how do you know you are feeling loving and peaceful. She got a huge smile on her face and said, “I feel warm inside and very relaxed.”
  • I asked her, “how do you behave at dinnertime when you are feeling loving and peaceful? She said, “I am enjoying cooking with my children and conversing with my husband and kids about their day.”
  • I asked her, “what are you thinking when you feel loving and peaceful at dinnertime? She said, “I am thinking that dinnertime is one of my most favorite times of the day because it allows me the opportunity to connect with my family.”
  • Then I asked her, what do you believe about dinnertime? She replied, “dinnertime is an incredible time because our family gets to reconnect.”
  • Hmmm, I said, “that sounds a whole lot better, doesn’t it?”

It was like magic; doing this exercise allowed her to develop the skill of mastering her feelings rather than excusing her behavior. Choosing to make a different decision on how she felt at dinnertime allowed her to experience this time differently. Now her brain had another strategy to use at dinner time, and this one is far better than the other.

Sometimes making changes can be just that simple. Learning the strategy of focusing on you want and choosing your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and beliefs to support that outcome will allow you to invite more enjoyment into your life.


The next time you are in a situation that is going south, command yourself to “stop” and ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do I really want to feel right now, and what is the outcome I want to achieve?
  • How do I know that I am feeling that feeling or feelings?
  • What happens to me inside that lets me know that I am feeling that way?
  • Now, feeling that desired way –
  • What thoughts must I have about the situation?
  • How do I behave in the situation?
  • What are my beliefs about the situation?
  • Now approach the situation and experience how it is changed.

Notice, just how easy it can be to change a situation when you learn to choose your feelings rather than excuse your behavior.

Instant Rapport Techniques Through NLP

Rapport is the ability to create connections, build trust, and feel understood. Being in rapport with yourself and others leads to living a successful and enriching life. Rapport is critical to succeeding in the workplace – especially if you are in a sales, marketing, or service industry – to be honest – in all aspects of our life.

Three main aspects of building rapport include:

  • Create a positive connection
  • Build healthy solid relationships
  • Become an influential communicator

The ability to gain rapport is an essential skillset if you want to make a connection and build trust with someone. Being in rapport with someone means being on the same wavelength while communicating with that person. Think of a situation where things may have gotten out of hand, either ending in conflict or misunderstanding.  If you were to replay that situation with fresh eyes looking for NLP clues of lack of rapport ­– you would have greater awareness and understanding about how the other people involved view their world.

Using NLP rapport skills gives us greater clarity on what is actually being communicated by paying attention to verbal and nonverbal communication. People connect with people they feel are like themselves. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a methodology that leverages this need for sameness and teaches rapport techniques that instantly build connection, credibility, and trust with anyone. Through the use of these techniques, you will authentically connect faster with anyone, be it family, friends, coworkers, customers, or strangers. NLP teaches us to connect with the unconscious mind in ways that are out of the awareness of the conscious mind.

Ways to build rapport include noticing how we are communicating from the conscious and unconscious parts of us.  Words are the conscious representation of what is going on in our unconscious mind. Because words can be ambiguous, it is important to pay attention to the keywords, predicates, pet words people use.  When we use the same words as someone, then it gives the feeling of connection because they feel we understand them, and you are like them.

We can also build rapport by paying attention to non-verbal communication, such as breathing, eye blinking, head tilt, posture, gestures, tonality, rhythms, etc. Using the same rate of speech, breathing at the same rate, using the same gestures, etc. can also build connections through fostering the feeling of sameness.

Because we tend to trust and like people who are like us, by employing the following NLP techniques in rapport, you will create the feeling of sameness, thus building rapport.

Pay attention to words­ – Spoken words have a direct relationship with the beliefs, ideas, and understandings the speaker has about himself, other people, and the world in general. Speech is a representation of thoughts and feelings going on inside a person. When a person listens intently to the words that are spoken by another person and starts using the same words, while in conversation, it becomes possible for him or her to enter the other person’s world and view it in the way they see it. Stepping into the other person’s world gives a better understanding of how that person feels or thinks. This ultimately helps in building rapport, opening up the opportunity to be more influential in the conversation.

Body Language & Other Non-Verbal Communication – Body language or other forms of non-verbal communication, such as gestures, posture, facial expressions, eye movements, etc. are other ways we can connect and build rapport. Body language can be both conscious and unconscious. Pitch, rhythm, and volume of the voice are additional clues of what is happening in the speaker’s inner world. Matching and mirroring the tonality, pitch, and rhythm allows you to build instant rapport

Identify Meta programs– Meta programs in NLP refer to an individual’s habitual patterns that he uses in a given situation. NLP examples of Meta Programs include an individual’s preference for overview against detail, self or others, towards or away from motivation, etc. Speaking to a person meta program will allow them to feel understood and connected.

These are some of the ways of building instant rapport, listening to words used that represent thoughts and emotions of a person, paying attention to body language, and using their meta-programs.  Being in rapport helps us to be more connected, effective, and influential in a variety of situations that can include sales, negotiations, hiring process, therapy, our relationships, dealing with conflict, and in many other situations.

Whether it be personally or professionally, being rapport allows us to trust, to feel heard, understood, and connected.   When we are in rapport, we treat people nicer, we are more understanding, and we have the ability to influence them to see things from a different perspective.  We tend to have more win-win experiences when we are in rapport.

How NLP can help your career and business thrive

I work with companies of all sizes, with executives and founders, sales teams, and individuals who want to succeed in their careers.  One thing they all have in common – is the desire to improve performance, be more successful, be better communicators, and know effective strategies to resolve conflicts and overcome challenges.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a unique discipline that combines psychology, neurology, and linguistics to help manage the connection between our mind and our body.  Knowing how to manage this connection allows us to be more effective communicators and get more of what we want in life.

In simple terms, understanding NLP helps us live more successfully, communicate more efficiently, and ultimately take control of our thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and outcomes.  We can reduce stressful situations in the workplace through better communication skills by understanding the power of language and how language effects our physiology.  The ability to adjust our communication to be aligned with the desired outcome of the situation is an effective strategy to achieve a successful result.

NLP helps us build connections.  Understanding how others process information is critical in connecting with customers, co-workers, and bosses successfully.  For example, there are three learning modalities – visual, auditory, kinesthetic.  Studies show that 65% of people process information visually, 30% auditorily, and 5% kinesthetically.  Listening for language is one way to get clued in on how someone is processing information, and if you use similar language, you will be in greater rapport, experience better communication, and enhanced connection because people feel heard and understood.

Utilizing effective NLP skills in coaching, business, and your career can influence profits and your success because it helps you to capitalize on languaging and the power to influence. The training results in mastering the skillset of influence through building connections and by developing a more consciously strategic mindset

Gaining the skill to see situations from a new perspective is a strength of NLP.  This is especially helpful when a team consistently needs consultation to handle routine affairs, which can be a time consuming and exhaustive task or if you are seeking to become a valuable asset to your employer.

When experiencing conflict or challenges, people can become overly emotional, resulting in cutting themselves off to solutions and potentially making a mess of the situation.  A high-quality solution is never found, focusing on the problem.  Thrive Learning Collective’s NLP Training guides you to develop skills to become aligned with the outcome you want to attain. Through this practice, you will organically gain access to resources that will help to resolve the situation. By utilizing these skills, change that at one time may have taken days, weeks, or months begins immediately. My clients find these tools effective and fun to learn.

Creating healthy and effective communication in and amongst teams is vital for a business to thrive. Having an NLP skillset helps to identify and optimize the positive intention behind teams and their members. Utilizing NLP in teambuilding is valuable in getting all departments on board because it focuses on the positive intention of each department.   Through NLP, team members gain understandings that departments are components of the whole organization, and each department’s success feeds the success of the entire organization. Building a cohesive relationship between departments and teams allows for a business to grow and thrive by leveraging the strengths of all those involved and becoming an outcome-focused forward-moving organization.  This is especially applicable in sales organizations that reward for results and closing the sale.  Adopting an outcome focus attitude goes a long way in guaranteeing customer satisfaction and retention. Embracing this attitude increases business.

An example of using NLP: In a company, I was coaching and training, one of the managers, was not getting along with the CEO of the company. The manager felt that the CEO was just out for himself and didn’t care about the employees. This is a common dynamic seen in many corporations.  After taking the manager through an NLP process, he was able to see the situation from a different perspective. He ended up seeing how his behavior was effecting the dynamic, and he learned that the CEO did care about the company and the employees. They just had a different way of expressing it. After the process, the team became more cohesive because the CEO and manager began working more effectively with each other. 

NLP is used personally, professionally and to enhance successful business management and sales by companies all over the world. The use of effective NLP coaching for you personally, professionally and in business will help to:

  • Create a culture of excellence with employees
  • Increases employee retention,
  • Enhance customer satisfaction
  • Create employee and customer loyalty
  • Cultivate an overall environment of growth and prosperity.

Take a mini-break from worry!


When you are facing troubled times, take a mini-break from worry and notice what happens. Allow yourself to walk away from the problem for just 15 minutes.

“Worrying is like praying for what you don’t want”

Take 6 deep breaths – Breathe in for the count of five and exhale for the count of seven. Go for a quick walk. When you return, ask yourself, “what do I want and what will I do right now to get it.”

Notice how you see things differently when you allow yourself to take a mini-break from worry.

Focusing on what you want is more effective than focusing on what you don’t want. Either way, you will get more of what you are focusing on in life. We never find our solution when we focus on the problem.