Corporate Workshops

Corporate Workshops

Thrive’s Unique Approach To Build A Successful Workplace


Thrive believes, organizations, like organisms, need to be fed, nurtured and loved. Leaders and employees feed the organization through their communication, behaviors, feelings and belief systems relating to themselves and the organization.

Individuals with toxic thoughts create an unhealthy work environment. While companies with these environments may have experienced financial profits in the past, their days are numbered.  More and more people have increased awareness and a greater understanding of how our thoughts affect our health and our overall satisfaction of life.

Employees will never treat their customers any better than they are treated by management.  While employees may put on a facade with customers initially, eventually the toxicity of leadership oozes out into customer relations. These organizations do not have employees that go the extra mile for their customers. Employees that don’t feel valued only do the minimum of what is expected of them…or even less.

Employees are now demanding more from their employers and leaders. Companies that are stepping up to the plate by providing a work environment that promotes interpersonal and intrapersonal development are the organizations that will experience true and lasting success. These organizations nurture the health and relationships of all individuals. The natural byproduct of a healthy ecosystem is employees that are loyal, committed, and devoted to the company, and their customers.

The quality of leadership is directly related to the quality of thoughts, feelings and beliefs leaders have about themselves and their team members. These thoughts, feelings, and beliefs ultimately determine the quality of decisions and interactions leaders have with their team.

“I hired Sandra to create a two-day team-building training, but what I got was much more than that!  What I did not realize going into it is that all of the pieces were there for a real transformation with my business; what we needed was a highly skilled catalyst, which is what we found in Sandra.  From the beginning, the process was collaborative and transparent, as Sandra worked with me to craft a personalized training for the team. And, in just two days on-site, she delivered big.  She was thoughtful and empathic while she navigated the personalities of the team.  She was focused and straightforward as she guided us through the obstacles that the team thought would stand in the way of achieving the goals, which we laid out.  Through the use of NLP and the DreamSculpting process, we were left with a clear vision, an actionable plan, and no excuses.  What’s more, we came to realize that what we’re operating is much more than a real estate services team.  We are operating a heart-based business that thrives on being in service to our clients.  I know that we’ll engage Sandra again as we move forward and grow.  I highly recommend any business owner looking to take their business to the next level to call Sandra and see for yourself.”

Aaron Janus Owner, JanusGroup at RE/MAX Integrity

Corporate & Business Training

Thrive Learning Collective Business and Corporate Training utilizes NLP and other technologies to focus on guiding organizations to create a thriving ecosystem.

To become a highly influential business leader, you must first master your thinking and your ability to control the focus of your attention. Discover the secrets of super business leaders like Tony Robbins, Grant Cardone, Richard Branson, Oprah, and other leaders, change-makers and influencers. They all have studied and implemented the technology of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

Due to its simplicity and effectiveness, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) has been used by Fortune 100 companies, coaching, sales, marketing, leadership, human resources, and customer service to achieve professional peak performance.

What Is NLP

NLP is a collection of processes and techniques that guide people to create success by utilizing proven strategies. It is a methodology to understand and change human behavior patterns through the understanding of how our neurology, language, and physiology all work together to create our subjective experience. Co-founders of NLP, Richard Bandler and John Grinder began studying successful strategies in the early 1970s.  They determined the structure of strategies used by Virginia Satir, Fritz Pearl, and Milton Erickson, among other practitioners who achieved phenomenal results with their clients through a process called modeling.

“In short, NLP is about how to take control of the subjectivity of your thinking, which allows us to achieve the results we want consistently.” In our Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner Business Certification and other NLP Skills workshops, you learn the operating manual of the human mind – an extremely effective and indispensable resource to achieve human excellence.

How is NLP Used In The Corporate & Business world to foster a thriving ecosystem?

NLP provides several powerful tools and skills which can be used to enhance personal performance in a variety of industries. Many of the techniques used in NLP provide a basis for persuasive and influential communication and negotiation.

✔ Improves critical & innovative thinking

✔ Defines effective goal setting

✔ Increases understanding of the needs and motivations of customers

✔ Promotes rapport

✔ Fosters a deeper level of emotional intelligence

✔ Become an influential leader of change


How does NLP work in practice?

NLP is commonly referred to as the “owner’s manual” for the brain. Through the use of various NLP techniques, an individual has the ability to retrain their brain to respond more favorably to circumstances in their life by teaching them to challenge their perceptions.


Benefits of attending Thrive’s Corporate & Business Training


 Leaders and team members align with success

✔ Create success strategies

✔ Develop skills in communication to provide authentic and inspiring leadership

✔ Alignment of team values

✔ Experience more joy in the workplace

✔ Become a master of conflict resolution

✔ Develop a heart-centered approach to leadership

✔ Increase respect, trust and build bonds of success within a team

✔ Cultivates a co-operative work environment

✔ Create winning strategies

✔ Increase employee retention

We Customize a Program For Your Needs

Thrive Learning Collective does not prescribe to a one size fits all training programs. We believe companies have a unique ecosystem, and we take pride in creating custom programs that match our client’s needs.

Whether it is strategic leadership, sales, team building, communication skills, customer service, or conflict resolution training, we will design a program that will meet your company’s needs.

Let us guide you through creating customized strategies for success and an environment for all to thrive so your company can reach its highest potential.

  • Learn and Employ the NLP Model of Communication
  • Attain Skills in Prospecting the NLP Way
  • Acquire the Skills of Reading Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication, and Master the Art of Trust & Connection
  • Learn to identify and install Success Strategies
  • Overcome Decision Making Fatigue
  • Learn What Motivates Clients by Identifying their Meta Programs
  • Discover Meta Programs that Motivate Clients to Take Action
  • Learn the NLP Technique of Information Gathering & Values Elicitation through Meta Modeling
  • Understand and Employ the NLP Sales Process
  • Attain Skills in Time Management
  • Evoke Change Through the Art of Storytelling and Metaphors
  • Develop motivational and Inspirational Style of Presentation and Public Speaking Skills
  • Learn and Employ the NLP Model of Communication
  • Acquire the Skills of Reading Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication, and Master the Art of Trust & Connection
  • Learn to Identify and Install Success Strategies
  • Learn Language Patterns that Influence and Elicit Change Through Conversation
  • Overcome Decision Making Fatigue
  • Attain Skills in Time Management
  • Learn What Motivates Clients by Identifying their Meta Programs
  • Employ Conflict Resolution Techniques
  • Develop Emotional Intelligence
  • Learn Skills to Create Engaging Meetings
  • Identify and Develop Attributes of an Extraordinary Leader
  • Develop a Style of Public Speaking that Motivates and Inspires
  • Cultivate a Corporate Culture of Unity Consciousness
  • Learn and Employ the NLP Model of Communication
  • Acquire the Skills of Reading Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication, and Master the Art of Trust & Connection
  • Learn Language Patterns that Influence and Elicit Change Through Conversation
  • Learn the NLP Technique of Information Gathering & Values Elicitation through Meta Modeling
  • Discover Meta Programs that Motivate Clients to Take Action
  • Attain Skills in Time Management
  • Learn the Art of Highly Persuasive Copy Writing
  • Learn and Employ the NLP Model of Communication
  • Acquire the Skills of Reading Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication, and Master the Art of Trust & Connection
  • Learn Language Patterns that Influence and Elicit Change Through Conversation
  • Refine Your Hiring Process With the Use of Meta Programs
  • Enhance Employee Engagement
  • Learn What Motivates Employees by Identifying their Meta Programs
  • Learn and Employ Languages of Appreciation
  • Employ Conflict Resolution Techniques
  • Learn to Identify and Install Success Strategies
  • Overcome Decision Making Fatigue
  • Attain Skills in Time Management
  • Cultivate a Corporate Culture of Unity Consciousness
  • Learn and Employ the NLP Model of Communication
  • Acquire the Skills of Reading Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication, and Master the Art of Trust & Connection
  • Learn and Employ Languages of Appreciation
  • Employ Conflict Resolution Techniques
  • Learn to Identify and Install Success Strategies
  • Overcome Decision Making Fatigue
  • Attain Skills in Time Management
  • Foster Customer Relations
  • Develop Leadership Skills that Promote Inspiration and Motivation
  • Learn and Employ the NLP Model of Communication
  • Create a Compelling Team Vision
  • Elicit and Align Team Values
  • Learn and Employ Languages of Appreciation
  • Remove Barriers to Success
  • Learn to Identify and Install Success Strategies
  • Acquire the Skills of Reading Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication, and Master the Art of Trust & Connection
  • Develop a Plan of Action to Ensure Team Success
  • Master the Art of Goal Setting
  • Cultivate a Corporate Culture of Unity Consciousness
  • Training The Trainer
  • Time Management
  • Goal Setting
  • Prospecting & New Business Development
  • Complex NLP Sales
  • Charisma & Influencing: Presenting Skills
  • 5 Languages of Appreciation
  • Sales Nlp Advantage
  • Stragtic & Creative Thinking
  • Stress Management