Everything Is Hypnosis

There are many definitions of hypnosis.  For hypnotists, a common definition is “a state or condition in which the client becomes highly responsive to suggestions.”  You might think that this state can only be attained in a hypnotist’s office.  After reading this blog, you will understand how often and how easily we are hypnotized in our daily lives. More importantly, you will become aware of how you can use that time to your benefit. 

But first, I’d like to frame it up.  Hypnosis can happen intentionally in a hypnotist’s office when the client is relaxing and listening to positive suggestions. It can also happen in many other situations as you will see.

Hypnosis happens to all of us naturally every day and is generally associated with the alpha brainwave state.  In this relaxing state between wakefulness and drowsiness we’re especially open to suggestions. We enter the alpha state during times of meditation, prayer, daydreaming, or . . .  doing something so familiar we don’t even pay attention to the details of it.

Have you noticed that the car is a great place to daydream? As you drive that familiar route, your thoughts naturally turn inward, imagining, planning, or remembering.  And listening to relaxing instrumental music such as binaural beats or classical music while working or taking a break can open you up to inspiration.

I don’t know if you can, but many people say that when they hear songs from their teen years, they slip right back into those same feelings.  I imagine that’s why Oldies Radio Stations are popular.

By now, you’re probably beginning to see the picture.

So just remember a time when you were “in the flow”; a time you were so engrossed in a book, or while drawing, needlepointing, painting, watching a movie, or out on your morning run. You are in a trance state of hypnosis. It’s that sweet spot between our conscious awareness and the ease of being on autopilot.

You feel like you’re at one with the task you’re performing, and you unconsciously filter out any and all distractions. Your friends and co-workers might find it really hard to distract you when you’re in this state — because you’re in an alpha state.

In that state we typically lose all sense of time and space.  Activities such as reading, listening to the radio, driving yard work, housework, can create very real opportunities for pleasant daydreaming.  Time in the alpha state is available to you every time you fall asleep and every time you begin to wake up. 

We spend much of our waking day in hypnosis, and you are your own greatest and most convincing hypnotist. What do you say to yourself? “I have an addictive personality,” “I catch the flu every year,” “everyone in my family is overweight, so I am too,” or “As soon as I make some money, something happens, and I have to spend it all.”  Or maybe you’ve heard yourself think or say, “I excel at everything I do,” “I was born lucky,” or “Every day is full of opportunities.”  First, let me ask you, which of those feel better?  That’s right.  And you always, always have the choice of thoughts and words.

Whether you’re in the hypnotist’s office or not, the most important thing to remember about hypnosis is that you always have the power to accept or reject suggestions. You know how it is when a salesperson is trying to persuade you to buy something. You have a choice: You can choose to be convinced, or you can say, “Thanks anyway,” and walk away.

The same is true of your own thoughts and others’ words. But you first have to become aware of them.

Make the decision to take charge of your own hypnosis. First, listen to what you think and say to yourself, especially the ones you repeat to yourself often.  Write them all down verbatim.  When you become aware of a thought that is not serving you, rewrite it in a way that is stating what you want, not what you don’t want. Repeat the new statement out loud or in your mind.

Suggestion Tip for Success: When you’re working on a goal, before you fall asleep at night, use those alpha brainwaves to help you. Close your eyes, and see yourself achieving your goal and feel those delicious feelings of accomplishment.  Imagine it while you’re driving or doing other routine tasks. Remember, everything we think, see, hear, and experience in our environment can be a hypnotic influence.  Make sure to use this to help you get what you want!