Troy De Smet

Our life is the meaning we give it, and our purpose flows outwards from our inner beliefs. If you are in a transition in your life, are looking to reframe your goals, and achieve your greatest dreams then look no further. 

Troy De Smet embraces a humanistic approach to personal and professional healing. Each individual is unique and should be treated as such. There is no cookie cutter formula to living your best life. Everyone has the capacity to dream big and reach those dreams. Troy learned first hand how to achieve his business goals with hard work and by persevering. He also learned that pushing too hard comes at a high price. It almost cost him his life.

After suffering an aortic dissection it took a holistic approach to heal the behaviors that created the problem in the first place. Some Troy’s educational background that supported this shift includes: Virginia Satir’s Human Validation Process Model, taught by my mentor Steven Young, and certifications in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypnotherapy, obtained through the Thrive Learning Collective. In business Troy became the largest organic wheat buyer in North America, culminating with the sale of his business in 2019. The lessons from his lived experience offer a perspective rooted in growth and vitality.

Ideally it is about finding flow, like resting when you are tired or giving up on the idea of perfection in relationships. Being the ‘perfect’ partner, executive, or parent is a way of setting goals that sacrifices the essence or spark of the individual.

It time to explore your story, shine a light on patterns that no longer serve you, and release blockages that prevent you from achieving who you were born to become. 

*I am a member of the “Healing of America” Program.


Seyller Robertson

Seyller Robertson is a Business, Strategy, and Mindset Coach at Seyller Nicole LLC and an Instructor at Thrive Learning Collective.  Seyller advises and consults with Executives, Managers, Coaches, and Sales Professionals in the Psychology of Sales and Achievement, Personal Excellence, Leadership, and Strategic Vision.

Over the past 15 years Seyller has been a sales trainer, a sales professional, and a sales leader for 3 Top Fortune 500 companies.  Seyller also has been a personal excellence and sales coach for individuals that want a larger, grander vision for their career and personal life.
Seyller lives in Charlotte, N.C. with her family.  In her spare time she enjoys traveling internationally to experience new cultures and cultivate rich friendships.
As technology evolves and business gets more competitive, the need to serve and connect with the client of today demands a greater level of human connection, trust, and deeper understanding of the business needs your client is facing.  Seyller teaches professionals how to marry business skills, peak mindset strategies, and communication mastery into their career to achieve business excellence.  Let Seyller help you become a master influencer and peak performance executor in your business.  

Sandra Vesterstein

As the founder of Thrive Learning Collective, Sandra finds joy in guiding people to tap into their utmost potential for passion and presence in life. With the recent transition from NLP and Hypnosis Trainer under Bennett Stellar University to now founder of Thrive Learning Collective, Sandra’s mission is to reach a broader audience. Neuro-Linguistic Programming is the foundational skill set of Thrive Learning Collective. Sandra uses this foundation in her professional training as well as in her private Neuro-Linguistic Hypnotherapy practice.

Sandra’s natural ability for unification was the inspiration for creating Thrive. Thrive Learning Collective guides individuals, groups, and corporations to walk the path of success through heart-centered programs that connect life purpose with passion. The heartbeat of Thrive Learning Collective is our successful instructors and affiliates. They are leaders who thrive personally and professionally. Just like Thrive Learning Collective, our affiliates share in your desire and dreams for a better world.

Sandra also offers classes, workshops, coaching groups, and speaking engagements under Thrive Learning Collective to inspire audiences and equip participants with the skills to enhance their own performance. Topics include communication, transitions, self-esteem, NLP, relationships — anything that helps people to be more resourceful and successful in their lives.

*I am a member of the “Healing of America” Program.