Troy De Smet

Our life is the meaning we give it, and our purpose flows outwards from our inner beliefs. If you are in a transition in your life, are looking to reframe your goals, and achieve your greatest dreams then look no further. 

Troy De Smet embraces a humanistic approach to personal and professional healing. Each individual is unique and should be treated as such. There is no cookie cutter formula to living your best life. Everyone has the capacity to dream big and reach those dreams. Troy learned first hand how to achieve his business goals with hard work and by persevering. He also learned that pushing too hard comes at a high price. It almost cost him his life.

After suffering an aortic dissection it took a holistic approach to heal the behaviors that created the problem in the first place. Some Troy’s educational background that supported this shift includes: Virginia Satir’s Human Validation Process Model, taught by my mentor Steven Young, and certifications in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypnotherapy, obtained through the Thrive Learning Collective. In business Troy became the largest organic wheat buyer in North America, culminating with the sale of his business in 2019. The lessons from his lived experience offer a perspective rooted in growth and vitality.

Ideally it is about finding flow, like resting when you are tired or giving up on the idea of perfection in relationships. Being the ‘perfect’ partner, executive, or parent is a way of setting goals that sacrifices the essence or spark of the individual.

It time to explore your story, shine a light on patterns that no longer serve you, and release blockages that prevent you from achieving who you were born to become. 

*I am a member of the “Healing of America” Program.


Rhonda Lopresti

As an End of Life Coach, Rhonda is passionate in holding and creating sacred space, personal ritual, spiritual practice and creative choices through dying and deathcare. She believes we can learn to die and in learning to die we actually awaken to life itself.  In serving the dying and grieving, Rhonda favors conversations in the art of saying good-bye, exploring what death asks of us and deserves, how to prepare oneself consciously for the dying process, the compassionate merits of in-home family directed funerals, green burial awareness, and the welcoming and witnessing of grief.

Founder and visionary of Peacefully Prepared, Rhonda has most recently developed a Spiritual Care Directive for Buddhists.  This 10-part signature process, guides clients in planning out their end of life practice from their dharma vision all the way through to the 49 days following death.  Rhonda also encourages end of life wishes and planning in her five chapter notebook called a Passing Plan. Rhonda sees these spiritual and practical processes as an act of self-love in preparing for end of life and an act of kindness to ease the grief and stress of their loved ones.  She is continuously serving and raising awareness about the in-home funeral option where we can apply our spiritual practices and create auspicious conditions at the time of death.  Having performed in-home funerals for her own family as well as clients, Rhonda is able to guide and provide resources for this treasured process.

A Tibetan Buddhist, Rhonda has studied under Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche for 33 years and serves as a Board and Volunteer Member for Rangjung Yeshe Gomde California (RYG CA), his Tibetan Buddhist Retreat Center.  She has the honor of developing a dying and death program for its community of practitioners and gives group talks annually.  She also enjoys the work of Andrew Holecek and is currently in his 4 part program Graceful Exits.  She regularly retreats for teachings on Phowa and how to navigate the bardos.   Rhonda most recently gave talks at Tara Mandala, in Colorado, in how to prepare for dying by “Writing your Spiritual Care Directive for Buddhists”.

In her own life, Rhonda has had the sacred privilege of witnessing her own family members through the dying process, including her mother and father, as well as grandparents, friends and clients.

A native resident of San Diego, California, she lives life to the fullest with her husband and two teenaged children.

Degrees and Certifications

  •  End of Life Coach, ICF PCC candidate from Coaching at End of Life
  •  Certified Life Coach with Bennet Stellar
  • Clinical Hypnotherapist with Bennet Stellar
  • NLP Life and Communications Practitioner with Bennet Stellar
  • Soul Centered Living from University of Santa Monica
  • Holistic Health Practitioner for 30 years
  • BA in Psychology/Philosophy from Scripps College
  • Founder and Director of Holistixs of San Diego, a healing arts center, for 22 years
  • Tibetan Buddhist practitioner for 33 years

Mary Rosenquist

Mary Rosenquist is the founder/owner of Riverwalk Hypnosis and Wellness Center, Inc., which offers Hypnotherapy and Reiki for a calmer mind and a healthier lifestyle plus much more. Before devoting her work full time to Riverwalk Hypnosis, Mary served many years in corporate roles, training, mentoring and developing individuals and teams with successful outcomes. Understanding the stress and conflicts in daily lives, Mary has a passion for helping others succeed, find balance and achieve goals.

Having served the roles of wife, mother, step-mother, step-daughter, career woman, healer, adoptee, and life-long Cub fan, Mary has gained insight to life’s ever-changing landscape, the challenges, and rewards.

Dr. William M. Deihl

William Deihl holds a Masters in Nutritional Science and a Ph.D. in Metaphysical Medicine as well as a background in Traditional Chinese Medicine.  He has traveled around the country for two years as the nutrition expert for O.H. magazine and has served as a special guest teacher for continuing education for Doctors and Nurses for bariatric at Princeton University. 

Bill Deihl’s varied and accomplished background is a reflection of his out-going personality and zest for life. Born in Chicago and a Phoenix resident for the past 36 years, Bill is a gifted musician, teacher, performer, motivator, and businessman. He has amassed a series of accolades including the John Philip Sousa Award and I.B.M. Ring 55, in addition to being the recipient of numerous certificates of thanks for his unselfish service from Special Olympics, Make a Wish Foundation, Phoenix Rainbow (cancer treatment) and various burn units.

He has entertained thousands as a professional clown, musician, public speaking and motivational speaking. His teaching background includes running the summer music program at Scottsdale Community College, and his talents as a magician lead him to perform for the Prince of Saudi Arabia. At age 22, he owned his first business: the Premier Magic Store of the Southwest. Since 1997 is an esteemed member of the Magic Castle.

Bill is currently working on a Masters in Oriental Medicine, a natural complement to his Master’s degree in Nutritional Science. Both are an offshoot of his deep interest in better health and nutrition. He is a past member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, The Institute of Food Technologists, the American Botanical Council, Writer of nutrition/business books and news stories, in addition to being a Personal Coach.

Bill served as the President of VitaMist L.T.D., and Vice President of  Mayor Pharmaceutical. He was actively involved in the highest levels of this international operation, including sales, marketing, administration, events coordination, and research and development. Bill’s 30 years of experience in the nutritional industry provided tremendous value to the company, as well as his keen insights and skills as a motivator.

Not surprisingly, his interests run the gamut and include scuba diving (certified), sky diving, bungee jumping, volleyball, racquetball, dance, cooking and the martial arts skills of Wing Chung Gung Fu and Brazilian Jujitsu.

*I am a member of the “Healing of America” Program.

Anna Mancini

As an NLP Life Coach and Hypnotherapist, Anna serves as a guide to assist those who are looking to make a complete transformation in their lives. Working with Anna will not only create resolve and healing from the past but will offer you the space to become aligned with what it is you’d like to create in your future.

Through Anna’s wealth of experience, she has completely transformed her own personal reality and has seen firsthand that even our wildest dreams are achievable. Anna went from numbing her emotions through means of unhealthy coping mechanisms to now having a strong passion for personal development and living the life she has always desired.

Anna uses her Degrees and Certifications coupled with her passion and understanding of health, spirituality, nature and the mind, body, connection. Anna will not only guide you to exactly where you want to be but will give you tools to take with you into your future so you can continue to grow as an individual.

In Anna’s words:

“My personal experience with the ‘dark night of the soul’ led me to the most beautiful place I could have imagined. I dedicate myself to the mystery of life and to my ever-unfolding personal and spiritual development. I am not looking for life long clients, I’m looking for life long change.”

Dawn DelVecchio

Dawn DelVecchio is a Priestess, Womb Keeper, Certified Hypnotherapist, NLP Life Coach, Reiki Practitioner, Astrologer and Master Tarot Reader.

She a Business Mentor for women and men ready to take their Sacred Work to the next level, and is also the #1 Amazon Best-Selling Author of the book, Spirit, Mind & Money.

Dawn offers workshops, trainings and 1:1 mentorship for a small handful of clients in the USA, Thailand, Bali and online.

In her own words:

“I have been on a path of spiritual and personal growth for 34 years. I am also a mother, herbalist, astrologer, master tarot reader, steward of nature, world traveller and former professional muaythai kickboxer with 36 ring bouts under my belt.

As a Priestess, spiritual teacher of the ways of the Goddess, intuitive guide and business mentor, I help Awakening Light Workers and the next generation of Feminine Leaders step into their Personal Power in a way that intention-setting, education or strategy alone can never do.

Mine is an integrative approach. Using an array of tools (both sacred and strategic) I’ve acquired over 34 years, I offer workshops, retreats and 1:1 mentoring (including business mentoring) in order to fulfill my role during this Great Awakening on Earth.

I’ve gone through 2 lengthy, “dark night of the soul” passages in my life. One from September 2001 – September 2003; the second from January 2013 – March 2015. They have been key experiences to prepare me for the leader/sacred mentor/teacher/priestess role I now claim.

These were times of great fear and stress in which I had to drop into the underworld of my own subconscious and clean out lifetimes of wounding. And although I knew that this journey was for me alone, I did have support and guidance from healers and wise elders along the way. I did this work in order to RE-CLAIM and RE-MEMBER shards of my fractured Soul.”

Sandra Vesterstein

As the founder of Thrive Learning Collective, Sandra finds joy in guiding people to tap into their utmost potential for passion and presence in life. With the recent transition from NLP and Hypnosis Trainer under Bennett Stellar University to now founder of Thrive Learning Collective, Sandra’s mission is to reach a broader audience. Neuro-Linguistic Programming is the foundational skill set of Thrive Learning Collective. Sandra uses this foundation in her professional training as well as in her private Neuro-Linguistic Hypnotherapy practice.

Sandra’s natural ability for unification was the inspiration for creating Thrive. Thrive Learning Collective guides individuals, groups, and corporations to walk the path of success through heart-centered programs that connect life purpose with passion. The heartbeat of Thrive Learning Collective is our successful instructors and affiliates. They are leaders who thrive personally and professionally. Just like Thrive Learning Collective, our affiliates share in your desire and dreams for a better world.

Sandra also offers classes, workshops, coaching groups, and speaking engagements under Thrive Learning Collective to inspire audiences and equip participants with the skills to enhance their own performance. Topics include communication, transitions, self-esteem, NLP, relationships — anything that helps people to be more resourceful and successful in their lives.

*I am a member of the “Healing of America” Program.