Overcoming Challenges with Joy, Gratitude, and the Magic of NLP

Life has a knack for hurling challenges at us when we least expect it. Sometimes, it feels like life is just a series of curveballs. A recent family health challenge felt like I was hitting a brick wall. However, a profound yet simple strategy emerged from this trying time, which I’d love to share with you all.

The Transformative Power of Nightly Reflections

A conversation with my sister sparked an inspiring idea. Why not end each day by reflecting on moments of joy and gratitude? Further, we can then ask our subconscious mind to present solutions to overcome our challenges and bring them to our conscious awareness by morning.

Think of it as giving your brain a mini-positive reboot!

The Magic of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

This strategy closely mirrors the principles of NLP.  NLP emphasizes the profound connection between our language, emotions, neurological processes, and behavioral patterns that evolve from our experiences. When we consciously steer our thoughts towards positivity, joy, and gratitude, we’re essentially rewiring our neural pathways, promoting constructive behavioral shifts.

And the outcome? Simply magical. From seemingly insignificant moments bloomed immense joy. And more surprisingly, solutions began appearing, helping my family navigate the challenges we were facing.

Embrace Gratitude and Joy as Tools

Life can be challenging; I get it.

It’s when we get stuck in the challenge that it becomes a problem. I am not suggesting that you gloss over life’s challenges. I am merely suggesting that you give your unconscious mind direction to solve it by priming it with an emotional state of gratitude and joy. The same level of mind that created the problem is not going to solve it. Using this strategy is like looking at the challenge through another set of eyes, which can offer you another perspective. When life throws you a curveball, an attitude of gratitude and embracing joy will add to your strategic toolbox to overcome challenges.

Play With This Approach

  1. Remembering experiences you feel grateful for.
  2. Reflecting on your day and coming up with times big and small that you felt joy.
  3. Review your challenging situation and command your unconscious mind to bring to your awareness a solution for this challenge by the time you wake up.

Are you ready to put this strategy to use? The results may surprise you!

Be Well! 💜Sandra

Are You Interested in Going Deeper into NLP Techniques?

✨Check Out Our Upcoming Conquering Clarity✨

Special Offer: Join us for the Conquering Series! Bring along a friend, and both of you will enjoy a $50 discount on your course fees.

  • Conquering Clarity Series: Every Tuesday from 7:00 – 8:30 pm EST on Zoom
    • Conquering Anxiety: Sept 5, 12, 19, 26, 2023
    • Conquering Doubt: Oct 3, 10, 17, 24, 2023
    • Conquering Roadblocks: Nov 7, 14, 21, 28, 2023


Continue reading “Overcoming Challenges with Joy, Gratitude, and the Magic of NLP”

Dancing with the Fear of Uncertainty: Unlock the Power of NLP

Do you ever get that buzz of excitement when receiving an unexpected gift? The rush, the anticipation, and just a hint of unease? Life, in its glorious unpredictability, often mirrors such surprises. Sometimes, we wish we could get a sneak peek into its contents just to feel safer.

What if we chose to dance with our fear uncertainty?

We all seek the comforts of certainty. And while we want life’s experiences neatly bundled and labeled, the true essence of life is in its unexpected twists and turns. One of the concepts that I emphasize to my clients is that accomplishment and joy aren’t just about reaching the destination.  It’s about embracing and appreciating every step along the way.

By focusing only on achieving the end game, we risk missing the beauty of the present moment and learning valuable lessons sprinkled along our journey. Here’s the catch. One of the major roadblocks to enjoying this journey is our fear of uncertainty. And I get it. Not knowing can be scary. It might lead us to be overly controlling, micromanaging every aspect of our lives and sometimes even the lives of those around us.

Here’s the silver lining: embracing fear of uncertainty doesn’t mean surrendering to fear. It’s about dancing with it; it means leaning into it and understanding what is underneath it; it is befriending it and becoming curious about it.

  • What does fear of uncertainty want for you?
  • What does fear of uncertainty want you to see and hear?
  • What does fear of uncertainty want you to learn?

NLP emphasizes choosing and running emotions that align with and support your goals

When faced with uncertainty, we can choose curiosity instead of responding with fear. Instead of doubt, we can choose courage. This perspective shift helps us make big and small decisions from a place of empowerment rather than fear. Speaking of decisions, did you know we make about 35,000 of them every day? That’s roughly 2,000 every hour! While we tend to place weight on the big choices, it’s the multitude of smaller choices that can collectively shape our lives. And when fear clouds our judgment, these decisions, often made subconsciously, might not reflect our best selves.

Looking back, I can recall moments when I let fear guide my choices, and those weren’t my proudest moments.

By fostering a curious mindset and courageously facing uncertainty, we open ourselves to richer experiences and wiser decisions.

Be well! 💜Sandra

✨Join the Thrive Learning Collective Journey✨

✨Interested in becoming an affiliate of Thrive Learning Collective? Click here to sign up, or email me more information.✨

🌟 Upcoming Courses🌟

Conquering Clarity Series (Zoom Sessions)

  • Conquering Anxiety: Sept 2023
  • Conquering Doubt: Oct 2023
  • Conquering Roadblocks: Nov 2023

NLP Trainings
Practitioner Training, Hilton Head: Jan 2024
Register Here

Master Practitioner Training, Hilton Head: April 2024
Register Here

Thrive Integrative Coaching & Hypnotherapy Masterclass- Journey from Sept 2023 – Aug 2024. Payment options are available!
Register Here


Embrace the Game of Life with Confidence and Curiosity: Lessons from a Pickleball Clinic

Embrace the Game of Life with Confidence and Curiosity: Lessons from a Pickleball Clinic

This past weekend, I ventured into the vibrant world of Pickleball. Though it might seem like a mere weekend game, the profound insights I gained were anything but ordinary.

Observing my fellow beginners, I noticed two distinct attitudes. Some players, trapped in their fear of judgment, apologized for every miss and let their self-doubt overshadow the joy of the game. Meanwhile, others approached the experience with beginner’s joy and played with total delight, embracing every hiccup.

Several players confided their performance anxieties to me. Channeling my inner mentor, I shared the same advice I give to my students who attend my retreat to learn Neuro-Lingusitic Programming, “If you were a pro, you wouldn’t be here. immerse yourself  in the joy of learning.” ✨

Remarkably, those who embraced their perceived imperfections and played with an open heart had the most enjoyable time. This led me to ponder: Isn’t this a metaphor for life?

Many of us, in our daily lives, are constrained by the fear of looking unskilled or making mistakes. But what if we approached new experiences fueled by Confidence and Curiosity? 🌱

To truly immerse in the game of life, consider these strategies:

  • Embrace Imperfection: Recognize challenges as stepping stones, not stumbling blocks.
  • Be Present: Dive deep into the joy of the now, sidelining any fear of missteps.
    Celebrate Progress: Every tiny stride forward is a celebration.
  • Have Fun: Let your curiosity lead the way, ensuring every experience is enriched with joy.

As you play the game of life, approach it with a beginner’s mindset. This approach will make each experience richer and ensure your journey is packed with joy.

Here’s to embracing the beginner within you and finding joy in the journey!

Warm wishes, 💕 Sandra

Join Thrive Learning Collectives Learning Adventure!

✨ Upcoming Courses at Thrive Learning Collective✨

Conquering Clarity Series** (7:00 – 8:30 pm EST on Zoom):

  • Conquering Anxiety: Sept 5, 12, 19, 26, 2023
  • Conquering Doubt: Oct 3, 10, 17, 24, 2023
  • Conquering Roadblocks: Nov 7, 14, 21, 28, 2023

NLP Practitioner Training

  • Hilton Head – January 13 – 20, 2024

NLP Master Practitioner Training

  • Hilton Head – April 6 – 13, 2024

Thrive Integrative Coaching & Hypnotherapy Masterclass

  • September 5, 2023 – August 27, 2024 #LifeCoachingMastery

Would you like to partner with Thrive Learning Collective? Become an affiliate for Thrive Learning Collective! Click here to enroll; we would love to have you!


Boosting Mood and Confidence: The Power of Body Language

I am thrilled to share one of my favorite anxiety and worry hacks with you – the power of body language.

Physiological Impact on Feelings

Have you ever stopped to think about how your physiology – that is, your body language, breathing, and posture – impacts your mood? You may notice that when you’re feeling low, your shoulders slump, your breathing becomes shallow, and your overall body language embodies that state of mind. This is not a coincidence.

Scientific research suggests a strong link between our physical posture and our emotional state. Studies have shown that if we sit hunched over and closed off, we’re more likely to feel down, tired, or anxious. Conversely, standing tall, breathing deeply, and adopting an open posture can boost our energy levels and confidence.

Harnessing the Mind-Body Connection

The key takeaway here is the mind-body connection. By being mindful of our physiology and making deliberate changes to our body language, we can significantly influence our emotional state. Here are a few Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) inspired techniques that you can start using today:

1. Adopt a Power Stance: Stand tall and open like Superman or Wonder Woman. This posture signals to your brain that you’re confident and ready to conquer anything that comes your way.

2. Practice Deep Breathing: Breathe in slowly, filling your lungs completely and then exhaling longer than you inhale. It’s akin to a mini-meditation session and can help you feel calm and focused, especially during moments of anxiety.

3. Smile More: The adage ‘fake it till you make it’ holds some truth. Smiling, even when you’re not feeling particularly joyous, can trick your brain into a happier state.

4. Get Moving: Stretch, take a walk, or even have a quick dance break. Any form of movement can help shake off sluggish feelings and elevate your mood.

By incorporating these small changes into your daily routine, you might be pleasantly surprised to see how they can significantly impact your emotional state. Please feel free to share your experiences or any other tricks you have found helpful in the comments section.

Stay well and stay positive,

💕 Sandra

⭐ **Upcoming Courses** ⭐

Conquering Clarity Series** (7:00 – 8:30 pm EST on Zoom)
Conquering Anxiety: Sept 5, 12, 19, 26, 2023
Conquering Doubt: Oct 3, 10, 17, 24, 2023
Conquering Roadblocks: Nov 7, 14, 21, 28, 2023

NLP Practitioner Training
January 17 – 20, 2024, Location to be announced

NLP Master Practitioner Training
April 6 – 14, 2024, Location to be announced

Thrive Integrative Coaching & Hypnotherapy Masterclass
September 5, 2023 – August 27, 2024. Payment Plans Available!

To learn more about these offerings, reach out to me directly for details at sandra@thrivelearningcollective.com. I can’t wait to journey with you on these transformative experiences.

“From Shackles to Freedom: How NLP Transformed My Life”

Today, I’d love to share my transformative journey with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and how it completely turned my life around.

My story starts at an NLP training session back in 2008. For more than four decades, I was cloaked in a cloud of generalized anxiety and a crippling belief that I was neither good enough nor smart enough.

This narrative shackled me, prevented me from sharing my unique talents with the world, and obstructed my path to success.

Anxiety was a hurdle in my social life, holding me back from relishing moments most people find enjoyable. It also interfered with my professional growth, keeping me away from what I’m doing today. This crippling fear was a wall between me and those I cared for, hindering deep and fulfilling relationships.

The training session was a turning point for me. During the training, the organization called out those interested in becoming NLP trainers to join their team of trainers. Every fiber of my being wanted to say ‘yes,’ but my anxiety held me captive. However, on my 44th birthday, five days into the training, I finally gathered the courage to voice my aspiration to become a trainer. That decision was the best birthday gift I ever gave myself—it marked the moment I reclaimed my life and kindled a spark of hope for my future.

When I mustered the courage to voice my interest, the lead trainer asked, “I’m just curious, what held you back from pursuing your dreams?” To which I responded, “I fear that I’m not good enough.”

The trainer then asked me if I was ready to take full responsibility for my life and let go of my fear of not being enough. That’s when I chose to free myself. As I was guided through an NLP process, I learned to release anxiety’s grip on me and step into my empowered, creative self. This technique allowed me to consciously co-write my life’s narrative instead of being a puppet to a story haunted by fear and anxiety—a narrative that was etched in my past and dominated my “default program” for living.

Are you truly living your life’s purpose? If not, what’s holding you back?

Being a responsible co-author of your story demands taking full responsibility for your life. It requires you to delve into how your past influences your reactions to your experiences. NLP helps uncover what is fueling your life’s story. Once you understand what’s holding you back, you can begin co-authoring a new, more empowering narrative.

Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? You may aspire to become an NLP Practitioner to guide others in rewriting their narratives. If so, reach out to me, and I would be thrilled to set up a 30-minute discovery call to explore the possibilities together.


✨Upcoming Courses✨

Conquering Clarity Series (7:00 – 8:30 pm EST on Zoom)
Conquering Anxiety: Sept 5, 12, 19, 26, 2023
Conquering Doubt: Oct 3, 10, 17, 24, 2023
Conquering Roadblocks: Nov 7, 14, 21, 28, 2023

NLP Practitioner Training
Location to be announced
January 17 – 20, 2024
Click here to register

NLP Master Practitioner Training
Location to be announced
April 6 – 14, 2024
Click here to register 

Thrive Integrative Coaching & Hypnotherapy Masterclass
September 5, 2023 – August 27, 2024
Payment Plans Available! Contact Sandra for Details.
Click here to register 



Turn Challenges into Opportunities

There is no time like now, to come from a place of choice and become the fierce leader of your life.

Now more than ever, it is essential to maintain a growth mindset. Seeing opportunities in challenging times is imperative to achieving success. And that is why becoming trained in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is vital to navigating change, challenge and success.

Most of how we behave and respond in life is done through habit. In fact, 95% of what we do is an unconscious process. It is our automatic response system at work. We automatically respond to situations based on how we have responded to them in the past. Our decision to respond is made up to 5 seconds before we are consciously aware. These responses are literally habits supported by our beliefs, which means we don’t think about doing something; it just happens.

This is where we can get in trouble because we may, in fact, be operating automatically from an old, outdated automatic response system that doesn’t reflect our current beliefs and values.

I am sure there have been times in your life that you have done something and then said to yourself, gosh, I don’t know where that came from, or I don’t even know why I acted that way. I don’t know about you, but I would like to forget some of my past responses because they were not aligned with the person I had become. My response was a reflection of an outdated version of me.

In all seriousness, NLP brings back into our life our ability to choose how we want to respond. It allows us to slow down to get clear on what we want and then check to see if what we want is supported by your existing automatic responses. The more our automatic responses are aligned with our goals and dreams, the more we experience happiness, peace, fulfillment, love, etc., in our life. When they are not aligned, we experience regret, frustration, depression, anxiety, and loss of hope…just to name a few. NLP offers a vast suite of skills, tools, and strategies that allow you to condition your mind to where you want to go and to gain the ability to see opportunities for growth and expansion in all areas of your life during challenging times as well as times of ease.


NLP offers a vast suite of skills, tools, and strategies that allow you to condition your mind to where you want to go and to gain the ability to see opportunities for growth and expansion in all areas of your life during challenging times as well as times of ease.

Do you want to get more from life?

Whether you want to expand your communications skills, learn new strategies, become more influential, NLP is literally the owner’s manual for your mind..the how-to guide to make lasting change in your life. Imagine having the skills and resources within you to:

  • Automatically make shifts in your emotions and moods so that you behave in ways that make you feel confident, secure, and proud.
  • Learn to quickly pivot the way you think and behave when you need to make a shift in your life.
  • Become a master of communication and influence.
  • Learn the art of connection and build meaningful and lasting healthy relationships.
  • Reduce stress and overcome challenges.
  • Lovingly and compassionately resolve conflict.
  • Eliminate co-dependency patterns.
  • Upgrade your automatic response system (unconscious mind) to reflect your updated beliefs and values.

Does any or all of this sound appealing to you?

Treat yourself to a week of learning to think on purpose: experience self-development and gain strategies to mindfully navigate your life to achieve your dreams and goals and experience more life fulfillment.

Join me in Hilton Island, SC January 7-15, 2021!

Together we will update and upgrade your automatic response system to be aligned with what you want to achieve in life. You will experience a transformational week of personal and professional development. You will walk away from the training with a new mindset of success and certification as an NLP Practitioner Life Coach.

Do you want to register and update your automatic response system?

Email me, by 12/25/21 and I will extend a $200 discount for you to attend.

I am Looking forward to seeing you there! Sandra

Have negative self-talk? Here’s how to change it!

Do you ever find yourself saying negative things about yourself?

Perhaps you tell yourself you’re not good enough…
Perhaps you tell yourself you’re a failure…
Perhaps you tell yourself you’re not capable of achieving something…

People often say these things to themselves sub-consciously and it can have a detrimental impact on their entire life.

Sometimes it stops them from approaching people in social situations or sometimes it can mean they have major imposter syndrome that prevents them from taking action.

It’s not so black & white as some many people would like to believe.

However, changing your inner dialogue is completely possible and doing so can shift your entire life.

Instead of being focused on what you think you can’t do, you can start to automatically focus on your true potential which allows you to do way more than you could even imagine.

It’s entirely possible… you just have to change your inner dialogue.

To help you do this right now, I created a great little resource for you.

Click the link below to change your inner dialogue. It’s super quick!

Yes, help me change my inner dialogue

Take your time as you go through the process and really dive deep into the exercise. It’ll help you get the best results!

Are you interested in taking control of your life and releasing your feelings anxiety? Join me for Conquering Anxiety starting January 6th! Register here!

I fired Anxiety as the boss of my life!

The day came when I fired Anxiety as the boss of my life and replaced it with Mindfulness and Love!

When Anxiety becomes the controlling boss in your life…

Anxiety competes with love for control of your future and closes off hope and inspiration of what can be. Love opens you up to all of the possibilities your future has in store for you to be, do and have.

In the past, I felt anxious most of the time. I was always looking for what could go wrong or how I wasn’t good enough. Anxiety was always competing with my loving heart for control. I allowed my anxious need for love, appreciation, and acceptance to become the boss of my life.

Today, I acknowledge that my attempt to control my future and others around me was my Anxiety in disguise. When Anxiety became the controlling boss in my life, it blocked me from experiencing love and joy. I had a hard time becoming consciously aware of this because my Anxiety was cloaked in controlling behaviors of being overly helpful or responsible.

The day came when I finally gave Anxiety its pink slip and have replaced it with mindfulness and love. Now, Anxiety only occupies a temporary position in my life. It only has control when I am in actual danger.

Now, whenever overly helpful or responsible behavior comes up in me, I check in and lean into it and ask what it wants for me. If I am doing it because I want someone to accept, love, or value me, I take a few deep breaths and say to myself, “you are already valuable, lovable, and accepted just as you are… relax…and then I see myself feeling completely loved, valued and accepted.

If Anxiety is being the controlling boss in your life, take back your destiny and step into love. Check out Conquering Anxiety Starting January 6, 2022.


Changing Inner Dialogue

As small children, our minds are like sponges and during the time between birth and 7 or 8 years old, we spend most of our time exploring, learning, and absorbing the information of the world around us.  

Science tells us during this 7 to 8 year period, that we are in the brain wave state of Theta and in that state, our subconscious becomes a repository for memories, emotions, sensations. 

For example, a child raised with a Mother or Father who uses words and phrases such as “you don’t deserve” “who do you think you are” “don’t be stupid”, “life sucks”, that child will likely grow up with inner dialogues such as, “I’m not worthy”, “I don’t deserve to be successful”, “I’ll  never be happy”, or worse.

If your client has repeatedly attempted and failed at, for example, starting a business, completing college, or developing meaningful relationships, there is more than likely an inner dialogue playing over and over in their mind.  Sometimes they still hear their parents voices and other times it becomes their own.

If that’s all it did, it wouldn’t be such a problem, but what that inner dialogue ultimately does is it creates an “internal saboteur” that causes them to make decisions and act in ways that aren’t congruent with or supporting their goals.  

You have an awesome opportunity to assist them in changing that inner dialogue to something more useful, opening the way for them to create a new way of being.

Another great advantage of your Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) training is that any technique or process you can use with a client, you can use to heal yourself.  In fact, if you have an internal saboteur blocking any area of your life, I recommend you first eliminate yours.  

Here is a very simple and effective way to do that.

Changing Inner Dialogue

  1. Get in touch with the inner dialogue
  2. Name the emotion it creates that you want to replace
  3. Rate the intensity of that feeling on a scale of 0 being “no problem” and 10 “I’m ready to scream”
  4. Identify the dialogue, e.g., “I screw up everything”, “I’m not worthy of a good marriage”
  5. Change the speed and the pitch of the voice
  6. Make the inner dialogue high (like Mickey Mouse) and super-fast
  7. Slow the inner dialogue down and low (like James Earl Jones) out loud or mentally and then,
  8. Slow it down even more and make the spaces between the words even longer 
  9. You will begin to notice that your inner dialogue doesn’t elicit the same emotion when repeated slowly
  10. Check in with the feeling that you wanted to replace

If it is at zero, replace it with a new positive statement in a voice that you just can’t help but listen to, and as you listen to your voice, put a big smile on your face and enjoy this new way of being. 

Alleviating Anxiety

Over the past many months, NLP practitioners have reached into their own tool belts in order to maintain their own perspective and balance in order to continue assisting our clients. 

There’s no doubt 2020 was an incredibly challenging year and our services were needed more than ever.

We always want our clients to feel good, and as practitioners, we also need them to be relaxed and clear-headed so that they are in a resourceful state in order to do the underlying work necessary, such as releasing unwanted anger, eliminating limiting beliefs, parts integration, TimeLine Therapy, hypnosis or any change work.  

So, I want to share with you a very simple NLP technique that will quickly and easily change your client’s emotional state.

It’s so simple that some Practitioners might have overlooked it. If you yourself have moments of feeling anxious, be sure to use this process before working with clients.  You always want to feel relaxed, confident, competent, open and curious.  

Remember, your energy precedes you and consciously or unconsciously, clients will feel it.

Once you have begun accessing your familiar resourceful feelings once again, guide your clients into this breathing technique.


  1. Get in touch with and name the feeling you want to replace 
  2. Rate the intensity of the feeling from 0-10
  3. Turn on the parasympathetic nervous system and the vagus nerve by

    using the 7-11 breathing technique:

    • Inhale to the count of 7 
    • Exhale to the count of 11
    • Repeat until the client’s physiology shows signs of changing to a more resourceful state
  1. Break State
  2. Have client choose the emotion(s) s/he would rather feel 
  3. Invite the client to “Remember a time you felt that feeling”, and 

    intensify it for your client using powerful sub-modality work.

  1. Have client identify behavior when s/he is feeling those desired

    emotions.  Invite the client to:

    • put their shoulders back
    • sit or stand up taller
    • move more powerfully and purposefully
  1. Perform the desired healing or change work
  2. Check client’s results and make adjustments if necessary 
  3. Have client rate from 0-10 how s/he feels.  If necessary, repeat steps 6-10 until you get desired results 

And don’t underestimate the power of simple processes.  They have been used successfully by all of the top NLP Master Practitioners for a very long time.  

They built their reputations on many of these techniques . . . and you can, too.